Our Services
Our Service Spectrum
Softegic works in collaborative partnership with clients to develop business solutions tailored to their unique requirements.
In today’s fast-paced global economy, companies’ business issues are ever changing, requiring adaptability in order to stay competitive and maintain profitability. Businesses must share information quickly not only within their own organization but also externally up and down the supply chain. Many businesses have a maze of information silos that don’t communicate with each other. And the complexity and cost of maintaining information are ever increasing. Our range of solutions is positioned on a series of interconnected echelons within a context of the 4th Industrial Revolution and Smart Manufacturing.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Our ERP is meant to small- and medium-sized manufacturing companies. Built on a solid architectural foundation, we further customize to match with specific user requirements along the course of dynamic business environments, be it discrete- or process-based manufacturing, be it made-to-stock (MTS) or made-to-order (MTO) or engineer-to-order (ETO) or assemble-to-order (ATO).
Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
Our MES is meant to medium- and large-sized manufacturing companies, aiming to integrate with their international ERP such as SAP, Oracle, Infor and the like. Guided with MESA (Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association) body of knowledge and the trend of the 4th Industrial Revolution, we design, build and deploy MES hand-in-hand with clients using contemporary state-of-the-art technologies.
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Our strategic positioning of SCM derives from CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecast, and Replenishment) model. To this end, we are teaming up with a number of government bodies from the People’s Republic of China to develop and deploy an industry-level collaborative demand-supply chain optimization intelligent platform to change demand-supply chain landscape of Smart Manufacturing ecosystem.
Predictive Maintenance (PdM)
The advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution has compelled plant and facility maintenance to evolve from preventive nature to predictive nature. Hence, apart from adopting contemporary technology like IoT, we also introduce a number of predictive algorithms to the model smartness of humankind DNA. To ensure interoperability, we comply as much as possible the ISO 17359 standards in the design and development.
Tailored Solutions
We deliver various tailored solutions such as mechanical equipment interface, Mobile App, Handheld Device/PDA, Excel Macro/VBA, and specific user required systems.
Smart Manufacturing Consultancy
Transforming into Smart Manufacturing is the core effort in the 4th Industrial Revolution. To prepare the advent of the 4thIndustrial Revolution, we assist companies:
- Build customized assessment exercise to identify whereabouts the stage of maturity and readiness using hybrid models as recommended by German Industry 4.0 and Chinese Made in China 2025
- Formulate and execute strategic transformation plans towards Smart Manufacturing.
- Formulate Manufacturing Assessment
Formulate Customized Smart Manufacturing Assessment Model using German Industry 4.0 Readiness Index and Chinese Smart Manufacturing Maturity Model
- Process of Planning
Assist the Process of Planning and Execution of Smart Manufacturing Transformation Exercise.
Human Capitalism
Malaysian workforce within Malaysian marketplace
Malaysian workforce to the global marketplace
Expat workforce into Malaysian marketplace
We possess a strong background and network in information technology industry across entire Malaysia and Singapore. Indeed, we started providing contracted software engineers in various capacities to large MNCs in Penang since 2006 and gradually expanded into GLCs of Malaysia since 2009.
Apart from information technology, industries equally recognize our operations and supply chain know-how. One of our key management has been focusing on shop floor control, while another has been active in regional and national supply chain communities. Both involve in disseminating those contemporary international bodies of knowledge from APICS, SCOR, CPFR, MESA, IBF, IIBA, etc.
We team-up with a few universities as sources of supplying engineering and science graduates.
We provide Malaysian qualified nurse to large hospitals in the Middle East, Australia, and New Zealand. We welcome all inquiries from any part of this world, and we shall endeavor to fulfill the shortage of nurses in your hospital. Subject to the experience and seniority, the designation could be Matron, Sister, Staff Nurse, etc.
We provide Malaysian workforce to work in large farms and orchards overseas such as Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. The nature of the works include, but not limited to, fruits (apple, strawberries, plum, orange, peach, etc.) picking, horse feeding, milking, and all kind of works that a typical farmer will do.
Paralegal Support
Our sister-company, Lincoln ICT Disputes Management Sdn Bhd, is tasked to provide paralegal supports such as eDiscovery, Digital Forensic and Expert Witness Testimony in connection with certain niche areas of software development and implementation disputes. For more information, visit Lincoln.

MOSTI R&D Grants
Localizing Balanced Scorecard (2004)
Research Elements: Regression Analysis, Ontology/Semantic, Local KPI Contents
Ontology-based SCOR (2006)
Research Elements: Knowledge representation and reasoning for SCOR
Genetic Algorithm for Production Scheduling (2007)
Research Elements: Genetic Algorithm